Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Hello Certizens,
Hurricane Irene is approaching and we all should be preparing.
Does everyone have their disaster kit in order? 

Also, for those who have had CERT training, review your training notes and be ready to respond in your neighborhood. If you have an emergency in your community, please call 911 and only utilize the training you have received. Remember, your safety is always first! Thank you again for your dedication to your community, especially in times like these.

For those who are CERT trained and are designated Points of Contact (POCs), be prepared to help on a more widespread basis if necessary. We will contact you if and when the need arises.

For those who have not taken CERT training yet, THIS is the reason we train. So you can help your neighbors if they need it after an event like a hurricane or a tornado. Please sign up for the Basic CERT class at so you can help if and when the next hurricane strikes.

Stay safe!





Akil James Campbell

Tel: 919.233.2044

Fax: 919.521.5342


I Like The Music and The MadDNess!

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