MUZU.TV is a free music site where you can watch the largest collection of music videos on the web, on Samsung, Sony, LG Smart TVs, and through Xbox. More than 5 million unique viewers per month watch MUZU.TV’s music videos, documentaries, TV shows, interviews, behind the scenes, tutorials, and loads of exclusive and rare footage. One or more ReverbNation artist videos will be selected to air on MUZU.TV. Whether you're an independent or unsigned singer-songwriter, band, rapper, DJ or make metal mash-ups with a didgeridoo, they want to hear from you! Here's the awesome package they'll deliver for the lucky MUZU Unveils artists: - Special slider feature on their homepage, which gets millions of hits and runs on a carousel for a whole week. - In depth feature on their blog with a Q&A and profile. - Support on social media – MUZU has 750,000 followers on Facebook and 20,000 on Twitter. - Featured on our XBOX and Smart TV apps, fans can see your video on their games console! - They work with some of the biggest publications in the world who will be made aware of your content (NME, Guardian, Telegraph, 4Music, Capital FM). - They believe that your content is your content so they split the revenue 50/50 down the middle. Selection Criteria: Music or live performance video of high production quality, Originality of video, Songwriting skills and Likeability |