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Simply text "getext LGBT" TO 368674, reply "1", and then reply "yes" to subscribe. [Standard rates will apply]  LIBRARY UPDATE The wait is almost over. The opening date for the Triangle's ONLY LGBT COMMUNITY LIBRARY has been changed to October 14 due to the overwhelming number of donated materials. We are still accepting donations of books, DVDs and CDs prior to opening day. Please contact Erin I. at for more information about this important community resource. |
Upcoming Events | Friday, September 2 @ the Center 411 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 6 - 9 PM FIRST FRIDAY ART AND WINE RECEPTION - always a free event. The LGBT Center of Raleigh is excited to feature the male physique paintings of Pete Wyman - reflecting the power and sensuality of visual arts through color, form, and brushwork. Visit Pete's website for more examples of his work. We offer complimentary wine and delicious food courtesy of Jibarra Mexican restaurant. Friday, September 2 Calvary United Methodist Church 304 E. Trinity Ave., Durham 7:30 - 11 PM DURHAM GAME NIGHT. Free and open to all ages, this is a smoke-free, alcohol free social event. If you enjoy playing board games and card games in a relaxed, fun atmosphere, then this is the place for you. *Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the 3rd, 4th and 5th of September the Center will be closed for the Labor Day holiday.* Thursday, September 8 @ the Center 411 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 7 to 9 PM BUILDING COMMUNITY: PLANNING ENVIRONMENTS. Strategies for a quality lifestyle as we age. Architect and developer Pat Harris will conduct a two hour preliminary programming workshop that will focus on identifying needed housing types and elements of a quality, comfortable living environment suitable for seniors. Bring your thoughts, observations, and wish lists. We want to hear from you! Presented by the Gay & Gray Initiative. Friday, September 16 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh 3313 Wade Ave., Raleigh 7:30 - 11 PM RALEIGH GAME NIGHT. Free and open to all ages, this is a smoke-free, alcohol free social event. If you enjoy playing board games and card games in a relaxed, fun atmosphere, then this is the place for you. Sunday, September 18 @ the Center 411 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh 2 - 4 PM GAY & GRAY INITIATIVE FOCUS GROUP. You can provide us with valuable feedback on where this important initiative needs to go. We will start off with self-serve ice cream sundaes and then get down to business. There are a few spots still open, so if you are interested in participating contact Vince Newton at Sunday, September 18 @ the Center 411 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh 3 - 4 PM The LESBIAN BOOK CLUB meets every 3rd Sunday at the Center. Contact to be added to the mailing list. This month's featured book: Emma Donoghue's Room. This best-selling novel tells the remarkable story of Jack, a five-year-old boy who has lived his whole life in a single room. Monday, September 19 @ the Center 411 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh 7-9 PM INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE TRANS INITIATIVE. Meet and connect with members of the local trans community. Help plan the future of the group and discuss your ideas of where you want to take this initiative. Saturday, September 24 Duke University Campus Durham, NC 10 AM- 5 PM NCPride AND PARADE. Join the entire North Carolina community as we take part in the yearly celebration of LGBT pride. Stop by our tent, say hello, and catch up with our latest programs and projects. There will be thousands of people enjoying the day and taking part in the parade. RESERVE THE DATE: Our Third Annual RALEIGH IS COMING OUT festivities will be taking place through-out October. Look for all upcoming events, including the Awards Banquet on Friday, October the 7th when we will present the award for Distinguished Service to Jimmy Creech, and the Horizon Award to Akil Campbell. Check out the site to see all the events as they are added to the schedule, and to buy tickets to the awards dinner.
Wish List | Below are some ot the items that we currently need. Please consider making a donation of one of the following to the Center so that we can fuction better and more efficiently: - Commercial water fountain
- Landscape gift card or materials
| The LGBT Center of Raleigh, Inc. is a 501-c-3 non-profit corporation. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. |
| | Our Sponsors | Please patronize our loyal Sponsors and tell them how much you appreciate their support           
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