TGMC is currently on our summer break, but we'll soon start work on our 2011-2012 concert season.
It's not too early to start thinking about how you can help us make the coming season our best ever.
If you would like to help TGMC, there are lots of ways to do so, even if you 'aren't a singer'!
We're always happy to have outgoing individuals help out at our concerts, welcoming our audience guests, handing out programs, taking tickets, etc.
Plus, you get the added bonus of seeing the concert absolutely free and meeting some great new friends.
Below we've listed other ways to support TGMC.
If one of the items piques your interest, or you have other suggestions,
let us know!
Contacting our Mailing List about concerts and special events
Clerical support
Serving on the TGMC Board of Directors
Lobby Greeters
Information Associates offering general help
Box Office/Ticketing Representatives
Special Projects, i.e., audience questionnaire distribution and collection
Back stage/wardrobe assistants
Stage Manager role
Community Ambassadors
Booth staffing at NC Pride and other events
NC Pride Parade participation
Distributing leaflets and flyers as needed
Public speaking on behalf of TGMC with a scripted appeal
Soliciting donations/ticket sales/season ticket sales with assistance from the leadership
Talking us UP in the community
Connecting us with potential ticket-buyers/season ticket buyers/advertisers
Identifying potential community appearance opportunities
Additionally, if you join us as a "Support Section" member, paying annual dues alongside our singing membership, you get a vote on issues that shape TGMC's future, besides providing a boost to our operating expenses.
Please contact for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!