| Drag Brunch Saturday, June 25 Humble Pie 317 S. Harrington Street, Raleigh TIME CHANGE: Seating at noon, show at 1 p.m. $10 admission (does not include meal/drinks) Call 919-829-9222 for reservations.
Drag Brunch Sunday, June 26 Pamlico Jack's 6708 S. Croatan Hwy.MP 15.5 | Hwy 158 | Nags Head, NC Seating at 11 a.m., show at noon. $10 admission (does not include meal/drinks) Call 252-441-2637 for reservations.
Movie Night at The Rialto Thursday, June 30
"Beginners" 9 p.m. | $10
Miss Bolinwood Pageant
Thursday, July 22 Flex2 S West Street, Raleigh
Save the date!
CMF Gala 31 Saturday, July 30 409 W. Martin Street, Raleigh
Crape Myrtle Festival (CMF) is an all-volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit that raises money and supports education and outreach for organizations within and beyond the local LGBT community. Crape Myrtle Festival, Inc. P.O. Box 12201 Raleigh, NC 27605-2201 www.crapemyrtlefest.org | | | | |