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- **** L O C A L - E V E N T S *****
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- ** NEW CONTACT ADDRESS: please send all communicationwith this listserve to: trianglelocalevents@yahoo.com ***
T R I A N G L E L O C A L - E V E N T S – May 30 – June 5
Reaching over 6448 REAL readers every week - the largest weekly GLBT
readership in the Triangle. Read on the web: www.trianglelocalevents.com
*** Please send all NOTICES to: trianglelocalevents@yahoo.com ***
****Rally in Raleigh -Please attend Thursday, June 2 · 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm in Raleigh:
Unite to fight SB106 (the North Carolina anti-gay super-DOMA)! See below in events this week.
****UNC/Duke Research Initiative on Gay-Parented Families
We are currently seeking volunteer parents to complete a 5 minute online
survey as part of a collaborative research initiative between the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University. This initiative has been
developed to address the lack of research on the experiences of lesbian mother
and gay father-headed families. This important and timely research needs volunteer research participants to move forward. We are hoping to recruit a minimum of 100 lesbian mothers and
100 gay fathers in North Carolina. Please help us meet this goal by taking
the survey. Please follow the link below:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Roger Mills-Koonce (rmk@email.unc.edu) at the Center for Developmental Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill of for more information.
****NC Pride announces a call for volunteers for the 27th annual statewide NC Pride Parade and Festival on September 24th 2011 in Durham, Raleigh and Chapel Hill. For more information and details send an email to: info@ncpride.org
****Triangle Local Events announces our new redesigned web site. As you may have noticed our emails have started to list only the most current things in the week before and the week of events. Listings for groups, churches, regular monthly and weekly meetings will be on the web site for viewing 24/7. www.trianglelocalevents.com
****Rally in Raleigh -Please attend Thursday, June 2 · 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm in Raleigh:
Unite to fight SB106 (the North Carolina anti-gay super-DOMA)! The proposed legislation would not only put an anti-gay marriage amendment on the 2012 ballot, it would also prevent private businesses and municipalities in NC from offering domestic partnership insurance benefits and make null and void Domestic Partnership Registries in the three cities in NC that offer them (Chapel Hill, Asheville and Carrboro); basically, it would end all relationship recognition outside of heterosexual marriage.
Stand with us and let our North Carolina lawmakers know that we refuse to be even further alienated from and discriminated by our government. We are all equal, and it is time our government started treating us as such.
Press release and speaker announcments coming soon!
Stay up to date at: http://getequalnc.org/rally-in-raleigh/
****Carrboro – Cabaret Singer Justin Vivian Bond
June 4 at 8pm - The Arts Center 300-G East Main Street,
Purchase Tickets in Advance and save $2 off the ticket price
Tickets: $20 - advanced, $22 - Day Of Show, $18 Arts Club Members
A recent New Yorker article calls Bond "the greatest cabaret artist of (V's) generation" and Out magazine's May 2011 issue claims Bond's act "can be hilarious, heart-wrenching, vulnerable, sardonic, Wiccan, and world-weary all at the same time." Sex, gender and sexuality are foremost themes of the album. Bond is particularly interested in queer, specifically transgendered, identity, which V has embraced in V's transition to the mixed-gender Mx. Justin Vivian Bond. Bond has won Obie, Bessie and Ethyl Eichelberger Awards, been nominated for a Tony Award, been named one of the Top 40 Favorite New Yorkers by Time Out New York and been listed by Time Out London as one of England's 50 Funniest People. Call 919-929-2787 ext 201
****Raleigh - Lesbian musician Jamie Anderson has toured nationally for more than 20 years; she moved to Canada from the triangle cities last year. She'll be returning for three shows in the triangle. Her Raleigh show is June 4 at 7pm in Pullen Baptist Church, 1801 Hillsborough St, benefit for SWOOP, www.swoop4u.org, $12 advance/$15 door
****Durham - All hail the Queen. June 4th, 2011 a new beaver queen will be crowned. This year's theme is Streampunk. Who will take this year's title? Will it be Fur Pelton John, Muddy Waters, Magonolia Beaver, Uwanna Peace Abeava or Cherry Cherry Bang Bang? The family friendly beaver drag event takes place at Durham's Duke Park Meadow and is a fund-raiser for Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association. Clean wetlands makes beavers happy. Pre-show fun begins at 4pm and the pageant starts at 5pm. Costumes encouraged. www.beaverlodgelocal1504.org
****Durham – Inside Out 5th Annual Banquet and Gaiety for Youth and Adults
June 4, 6 pm – 7 pm Youth Only Dinner, Devil's Pizza 742 9th St. 7:30 pm – 9 pm , Adults and Youth Awards and Dessert Banquet, Francesca's Café, 706 9th St.
Recommended dontation $30 adults, $7 youth.
****Durham – Durham Performing Arts Center – www.dpacnc.com
BBKing on June 3. Visit DPACnc.com for more information.
****Raleigh – NC Theatre –To see their current season of shows or to purchase tickets or for more info:http://www.nctheatre.com
FUTURE EVENTS - Next Weeks or Next Month
****Sculpting the Male Form, six 3-hour sessions on Wednesday and Thursday nights, 6:30 – 9:30 PM, starting June 8. Sessions are held at Litmus Gallery & Studios, 312 W. Cabarrus St., Raleigh. For full information visit www.litmusgallery.com or email artvision@bellsouth.net
****Durham - Three's Comedy features Jamie Anderson, Ann Roy and Abby Karp in an evening of music and comedy improv at the Common Ground Theatre on Friday, June 10 at 8 pm. Jamie Anderson is a singer-songwriter who has performed at women's music events nationally; Ann Roy and Abby Karp perform with FatMouth Improv in Durham. Tickets are $10 and are available at 7:30 pm on June 10 at the box office of Common Ground Theatre, 4815-B Hillsborough Road, Durham. For more information, visit "Three's Comedy" on Facebook or email fatmouth@live.com
**** Tickets are now on sale for the Triangle premiere of "A Proclamation of Hope - featuring Sing for the Cure", to be presented by the Common Woman Chorus and the Triangle Gay Men's Chorus on June 12, 2011 in the Meymandi Concert Hall of Raleigh's Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts. 'Sing for the Cure' is the world-renowned song cycle with orchestra that honors those whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. The proceeds of this concert will be shared equally by the choruses and Susan G. Komen for the Cure - NC Triangle. Tickets are $15-$35 at TicketMaster.com and the Progress Energy Center box office.
****The Justice Theater Project, a small professional theater based in Raleigh, will bring the epic journey of Cephus Miles to life in June. Nominated for a Tony Award for Best Play, and winner of the NAACP Image Award, "Home" will be presented June 10-26 in Clare Hall on the Campus of St. Francis of Assisi in Raleigh.
The Justice Theater Project's mission is to use the performing arts to bring to the fore of public attention the needs of the poor, the marginalized and the oppressed.
Pre-show discussions with Uniting NC will take place June 11 and 17th.
On June 25th at 5pm we will present "Memories and Wishes. A Living History of the Raleigh Safety and Community Club". Free and open to the public. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy Grammy Nominated Gospel Singer Cynthia Jones, and an original theater performance depicting the history of this vibrant Raleigh community.
The Justice Theater Project - www.thejusticetheaterproject.org
****Mid 50's Duke professional male seeks stable, professional housemate for restored historic 1870 home adjacent to the Eno River park in Durham. Located ten minutes/5 miles from Duke east and west campuses or five minutes from I-85. No smoking. No pets. Large furnished bedroom and bath. Central heat and air conditioning. Washer/Dryer. 2 acres of woods. Walk to river. Plenty of room for gardeners to grow vegetables or flowers. $900.00 for long term lease includes WiFi and utilities. short term lease possible at higher rate. Deposit and references required. Email mcmfranklintn@aol.com.
****Need a roommate? Have a house for rent? Send details.
****Mid 50's Duke professional male seeks stable, professional housemate for restored historic 1870 home adjacent to the Eno River park in Durham. Located ten minutes/5 miles from Duke east and west campuses or five minutes from I-85. No smoking. No pets. Large furnished bedroom and bath. Central heat and air conditioning. Washer/Dryer. 2 acres of woods. Walk to river. Plenty of room for gardeners to grow vegetables or flowers. $900.00 for long term lease includes WiFi and utilities. short term lease possible at higher rate. Deposit and references required. Email mcmfranklintn@aol.com.
****House Wanted - Mature lesbian couple looking for rental house in North Raleigh in the Sanderson high school district (near North Hills, Northclift, Shelley Lake area). Family includes two medium-sized well-behaved adult neutered dogs. Prefer single family detached home with a fenced yard, but will consider a townhouse or condo. Move in around June 1st. Contact Info: Please email Sheryl@SherylSchuff.com.
****Room for Rent – Knightdale - room for one person in small 3-bedroom house in Knightdale. There's easy access to HWY 264, 440 or 540. There's off street parking and a fenced yard. It's a 10x10 room - a little small but so is the rent at $350/mo. Rent includes all utilities, wireless internet, plus access to washer/dryer. You must like small dogs (no additional pets, please). Please be responsible, fairly quiet, and non-smoking only, please. No deposit/lease required. Please write me at airguyobx@hotmail.com and tell me a bit about yourself.
****Know of a job for our community. Send details.
See a listing of businesses and services on our website:
****Announcement of a gay "yellow pages" for NC. NCPridepages.com – A listing of GLBT friendly businesses in NC by category. www.ncpridepages.com
****Have a pet to put up for adoption. Send details.
Durham - LabourLove Gallery - www.labourlove.com
Durham - ROOM 100 - www.goldenbeltarts.com
Cary - Cary Gallery of Artists - www.carygalleryofartists.org
Greensboro - Ambleside Gallery - www.amblesidearts.com
Raleigh: LEGENDS NIGHT CLUB AND THE VIEW - www.legends-club.com
Raleigh: 313 Club – www.313raleigh.com
Raleigh: FLEX CLUB - www.flex-club.com
Durham: STEEL BLUE - www.clubsteelblue.com - NEW LOCATION see website
Durham: PINHOOK – www. thepinhook.com
Durham: CASBAH – www. casbahdurham.com
Chapel Hill: Jermaine's GAY Night at LANTERN - http://mix-n-mingle.com/?page_id=8
Greensboro: WAREHOUSE 29 - www.w29.com (Greensboro)
Travel in NC
Regular Weekly Club Meetings
Regular Monthly Club Meetings
Worship Services – All denominations
Directory of GLBT clubs, and organizations
For Your Information Announcements
My Favorite Wireless Hotspots
Editorial Notices – Rules of submission of events
- ------------------------- local-events --------------------------Local-events is the free weekly calendar of LGBT events in Chapel Hill and the surrounding areas. If you want your LGBT-related, triangle-based event to be listed in this calendar, send a brief/succinct description of it to trianglelocalevents@yahoo.com at least 1 week before the week of the event. If you have multiple dates and events, this should be done for EACH event. Make sure you include ways for people to contact you for more information.
One email, once a week! Pass it on to a friend!
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